Kelly Fitzjarrell is a LegalMatch Marketing Manager that works at the San Francisco headquarters. Her main duties are comprised of calling member attorneys and assisting them in the construction and alteration of their profiles so that they are attractive to potential clients. The best part of her job, she says, is talking with so many different people for whom she is a shoulder to lean on and an ear to yell into. Around the office she is known as the “office medicine woman”; her family is in the naturopathy business. Kelly is new to San Francisco and still exploring. Her taste for food reflects her equally adventurous travels, a far cry from her Central Oregon upbringing in Sisters. She’s visited Morocco, Greece, and Turkey and is making plans to see Thailand.
When she’s not traveling, Kelly likes reading David Sedaris and Chuck Palahniuk books; her favorite reads of all time are Catch 22 and Brave New World. However, she has a zeal for movies. Other than Wes Anderson insta-classics like The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, she recommends 500 Days of Summer, Fight Club, Tommy Boy, Dawn of the Dead, and Slackers.
Kelly’s golden retriever, Cassie, keeps her busy with frequent visits to Ocean Beach. Some other San Francisco favorites include Burma Superstar, the Mission District’s bars and restaurants, wine tasting, and concerts at the Fillmore West and Warfield. Her favorite bands are mostly Indie and Alternative selections like the Cold War Kids, Minus the Bear, Spoon, and Paolo Nuitini to name a few.
Kelly has only been with LegalMatch a short while but has quickly become an instrumental member of our team. Her assiduous work ethic and sense of humor make her a pleasure to deal with professionally and personally. Look for her in the LegalMatch Ping Pong Tournament; she plays for Pong Gone Wong.