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A Facebook User

If my new managers at my work let another Co worker change our work area around and I tell them that I have issues like with spasms that accure in my back and shoulder area,and that the step they made and I hurt my knee and I get yelled at too several month for them to take a report on my knee resulting in denied workman's comp.and no option from my work to go to Dr.when I finally get a payment lowered office visit Dr.I find out I got osteoathrites in both shoulders and both knees and potintially bone spurs in feet not to mention carpatunel,and get told I just complain about everything including my job duties which is inspecting yarn when i see something wrong I am suppose to notify someone to check it out and I get treated by them like I am purpasly doing something wrong when i bring something to their attention that I think is going to get sent to our customers that is bad I that has my name on the labels so the customers think I sent them bad stuff 5 years I have worked there I have always done 120% now I can only try to give95% sometimes 70% when i can't hardly move do I have a case?

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